Political Science

Israel’s War on Gaza
Gilbert Achcar
Resistance Books
Israel has seized the opportunity of Hamas's operation on 7 October 2023 to devastate Gaza, reducing it to rubble, massacring a huge number of its inhabitants and forcing the rest to...
Gilbert Achcar
Resistance Books
Israel has seized the opportunity of Hamas's operation on 7 October 2023 to devastate Gaza, reducing it to rubble, massacring a huge number of its inhabitants and forcing the rest to...

Bund, The
Sharon Rudahl and Paul Buhle
Between the Lines
Told in an engaging graphic novel format, The Bund explains the oppressive origins of Jewish resistance in Ukraine, Poland, and the "Pale of Settlement" in Tsarist Russia. Jewish people...
Sharon Rudahl and Paul Buhle
Between the Lines
Told in an engaging graphic novel format, The Bund explains the oppressive origins of Jewish resistance in Ukraine, Poland, and the "Pale of Settlement" in Tsarist Russia. Jewish people...

Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Paul Le Blanc
Resistance Books
The Russia’s war on Ukraine is devastating the country and reshaping politics around the world.The invasion is a major factor in fragmenting left-wing forces. In this small book, Paul Le Blanc...
Paul Le Blanc
Resistance Books
The Russia’s war on Ukraine is devastating the country and reshaping politics around the world.The invasion is a major factor in fragmenting left-wing forces. In this small book, Paul Le Blanc...

A New Global Geometry?
Greg Albo
The Merlin Press
In October 2022, President Joe Biden launched the United States’ new National Security Strategy, which warned that the world was at an ‘inflection point’, in which the ‘post-Cold War era is...
Greg Albo
The Merlin Press
In October 2022, President Joe Biden launched the United States’ new National Security Strategy, which warned that the world was at an ‘inflection point’, in which the ‘post-Cold War era is...

Worlds Apart?
Adeoye O. Akinola, Jesper Bjarnesen
Migration has become a central theme in relations between Africa and Europe.It constitutes a political and diplomatic issue that seems to have imposed itself on a range of policy agendas, from...
Adeoye O. Akinola, Jesper Bjarnesen
Migration has become a central theme in relations between Africa and Europe.It constitutes a political and diplomatic issue that seems to have imposed itself on a range of policy agendas, from...

Walter Sisulu
Tom Lodge
This book addresses Walter Sisulu’s political impact on the course of antiapartheid resistance. It focuses mainly on his political personality, but it also explores how his public career shaped his ...
Tom Lodge
This book addresses Walter Sisulu’s political impact on the course of antiapartheid resistance. It focuses mainly on his political personality, but it also explores how his public career shaped his ...

Disability Politics and Theory
A J Withers
Disability oppression is not simply about making people disabled by notaccommodating impairment; it is interlocked with capitalism,cisheteropatriarchy, colonialism and racism.Disability Politics...
A J Withers
Disability oppression is not simply about making people disabled by notaccommodating impairment; it is interlocked with capitalism,cisheteropatriarchy, colonialism and racism.Disability Politics...

Open Veins of Latin America
Eduardo GALEANO [Foreword by Isabel Allende]
Monthly Review Press
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural...
Eduardo GALEANO [Foreword by Isabel Allende]
Monthly Review Press
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural...

A Brief History of South Africa
John Pampallis and Maryke Bailey
Jacana Media
A Brief History of South Africa is an introduction to South African history from the earliest times to the Mandela Presidency. Using both a narrative chronology and thematic chapters,...
John Pampallis and Maryke Bailey
Jacana Media
A Brief History of South Africa is an introduction to South African history from the earliest times to the Mandela Presidency. Using both a narrative chronology and thematic chapters,...

The Great Pretenders
Ebrahim Harvey
Jacana Media
Ebrahim Harvey delivers a stinging critique of the ANC. This must-read analysis reveals the failure of the ANC to roll back the race and class divide.Harvey argues that a series of events...
Ebrahim Harvey
Jacana Media
Ebrahim Harvey delivers a stinging critique of the ANC. This must-read analysis reveals the failure of the ANC to roll back the race and class divide.Harvey argues that a series of events...

Whites and Democracy in South Africa
Roger Southall
James Currey
How did the last white minority in Africa give way to majority rule, the arrival of democracy and new and different modes of transition from "settlers" to "citizens".How have whites...
Roger Southall
James Currey
How did the last white minority in Africa give way to majority rule, the arrival of democracy and new and different modes of transition from "settlers" to "citizens".How have whites...

Colombia Inside Out
Richard McColl
Practical Action
Colombia is a country in search of an identity, it’s a nation which is too often measured internationally by tabloid headlines, images of protests, violence and a fractured political...
Richard McColl
Practical Action
Colombia is a country in search of an identity, it’s a nation which is too often measured internationally by tabloid headlines, images of protests, violence and a fractured political...

The New Apartheid
Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh
NB Tafelberg
South Africa’s story is often presented as a triumph of new over old, but while formal apartheid was abolished decades ago, stark and distressing similarities persist. Dr Sizwe...
Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh
NB Tafelberg
South Africa’s story is often presented as a triumph of new over old, but while formal apartheid was abolished decades ago, stark and distressing similarities persist. Dr Sizwe...

Radical in Diversity
Edited by Amieke Bouma, Cornelia Hildebrandt & Danai Koltsida
The Merlin Press
What is the role of the radical left in Europe?How can regional groups and parties contribute to a common European left? Scholars and activists explore radical left strategies in 29...
Edited by Amieke Bouma, Cornelia Hildebrandt & Danai Koltsida
The Merlin Press
What is the role of the radical left in Europe?How can regional groups and parties contribute to a common European left? Scholars and activists explore radical left strategies in 29...

Unsettling Canada
Arthur Manuel and Grand Chief Ronald M. Derrickson
Between the Lines
This vital second edition features a foreword by award-winning activist Naomi Klein and an all-new chapter co-authored by law professor Nicole Schabus and Manuel’s son,...
Arthur Manuel and Grand Chief Ronald M. Derrickson
Between the Lines
This vital second edition features a foreword by award-winning activist Naomi Klein and an all-new chapter co-authored by law professor Nicole Schabus and Manuel’s son,...

New Polarizations, Old Contradictions: The Crisis of Centrism
Greg Albo, Leo Panitch & Colin Leys
The Merlin Press
The 58th annual volume of the Socialist Register takes up the challenge of exploring how the new polarizations relate to the contradictions that underlie them and how far...
Greg Albo, Leo Panitch & Colin Leys
The Merlin Press
The 58th annual volume of the Socialist Register takes up the challenge of exploring how the new polarizations relate to the contradictions that underlie them and how far...

Capitalism’s Deadly Threat
Edited by Walter Baier, Eric Canepa, Haris Golemis
The Merlin Press
transform! 2021 looks at capitalism’s impact on the world ecosystem through global warming and the current pandemic and the concomitant economic crisis, with their effects on...
Edited by Walter Baier, Eric Canepa, Haris Golemis
The Merlin Press
transform! 2021 looks at capitalism’s impact on the world ecosystem through global warming and the current pandemic and the concomitant economic crisis, with their effects on...

How to Read Marx's Capital
Michael Heinrich Translated by Alexander Locascio
Monthly Review Press
With the recent revival of Karl Marx's theory, the interest in reading Capital has also increased. But Capital is not an easily understood text. Central concepts such as...
Michael Heinrich Translated by Alexander Locascio
Monthly Review Press
With the recent revival of Karl Marx's theory, the interest in reading Capital has also increased. But Capital is not an easily understood text. Central concepts such as...

Racism and the Class Struggle
James Boggs
Monthly Review Press
“Boggs, a Detroit auto worker and Black man, established his credentials with left-leaning youth when his The American Revolution appeared in 1963. His new...
James Boggs
Monthly Review Press
“Boggs, a Detroit auto worker and Black man, established his credentials with left-leaning youth when his The American Revolution appeared in 1963. His new...

Decolonization and Afro-Feminism
Sylvia Tamale
Daraja Press
Why do so many Africans believe they cannot break the “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back” cycle? Six decades after colonial flags were lowered and African countries gained...
Sylvia Tamale
Daraja Press
Why do so many Africans believe they cannot break the “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back” cycle? Six decades after colonial flags were lowered and African countries gained...

A to Z of SA Politics 3rd Ed
Kashiefa Ajam, Kevin Ritchie, Lebogang Seale, Janet Smith, Thabiso Thakali
Puzzled by the difference between a coalition and confidence-and-supply? Confused about how McKinsey, Trillian and a bunch of corrupt individuals at Eskom fleeced the utility? Don’t know your...
Kashiefa Ajam, Kevin Ritchie, Lebogang Seale, Janet Smith, Thabiso Thakali
Puzzled by the difference between a coalition and confidence-and-supply? Confused about how McKinsey, Trillian and a bunch of corrupt individuals at Eskom fleeced the utility? Don’t know your...